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About winning digital tool that was made for Häme TE-office.
In this short documentary participants explains why Bisnespeli was made in the first place and how important it has become after launching the game. After this documentary Bisnespeli won award from Grand One -event. I am proud to be the creator of the concept and also part of the team that made it alive.
Hämeen TE-toimisto
Tel: 020295041754
Satu Karevaara worked at the Häme TE office as a project manager in the project where I did most of my work. Together with Sami-Peka, Satu knows my way of working with its weaknesses and strengths very well. Karevaara still works at Häme TE office as a service manager and his responsibility is the transfer of the project I'm working on to a new operator. After Kalliokoski moved to new duties, Karevaara has taken over the management of the Painopiste -teams.
Kouvolan kaupunki
Tel: 0206157631
Sami-Pekka Kalliokoski has worked at the TE office in Häme as my supervisor and knows the inside and out of the projects I do in my employment. He has acted as a working life counselor in my thesis, so he also has a perspective on the performance related to studies. Kalliokoski worked at the TE office in Häme as a service manager and was responsible for e.g. About leading focus teams. From August 1, 2024, Kalliokoski has been working as an employment director in the city of Kouvola.
GoBros Oy
Tel: +358405468496
My company partner and long-time friend can certainly describe my skills most accurately. Trying as a duo requires the same kind of cooperation and communication as a relationship. You can ask Niko the most difficult questions, because with him we have succeeded and failed at GoBros. A small word of warning - Niko is from Savo, so you shouldn't believe everything he says. ;-)
Hämeen TE-toimisto
Tel: +358503963143
Pekka Voutilainen works at the Häme TE office as a service director and has played an active role in my projects. In particular, Voutilainen has participated in the launch of the utility game and from him you can get comprehensive views regarding the game project.
Feel free to call them for getting better understanding of me.